Perfect Leaders?
What is the shape of the "perfect" leader and does he or she exist?
To paraphrase W. Somerset Maugham, "There are three rules for creating good leaders. Unfortunately, no one knows what they are."
There is no perfect leader, that is why good leaders are always trying to improve themselves through self-study, training, education, mentor-ship, making mistakes and then learning from them, etc. Since there are no perfect leaders, it is hard to build a good leadership model, that is why there are hundreds of them. But, we can be sure of a few things that good leaders posses:
* A vision of the future (where are we going).
* The ability to encourage followers to jump into that experience (work through the many changes that are required to achieve that vision).
* A love of self-improvement for themselves and their followers. This love makes them good coaches and mentors.
8 Empowering their followers to get things done (delegation).
Source: Donald Clark.