Economic Development Leadership Survey
If you have not completed the ED Futures Leadership Survey, please considering doing so. If you are interested in completing the survey, simply click here.
Since May 9th, 336 economic developers have responded to the survey. Not bad for a start!
Here is a small sample of what the survey results are showing so far:
1. Economic developers see leadership as a defining issue for the profession at this time.
2. Many economic developers are not fully tapping the resources and potential of their boards in moving their organizations forward.
3. Most ED organizations are barely scratching the surface in terms of leadership training and development activities. In short, little is being done to develop leadership once it is in place.
4. Leaders play various roles in advancing ED organizations, but certain roles are common to most organizations.
5. There is more talk than action with respect to collaborative leadership in economic development.
The survey results will be made available to those completing the survey.