I've been watching and listening to what we are learning from the public dialogue in NE Ohio called "Voices and Choices."
First, I applaud the sponsors and organizers for their efforts. Second, I applaud those contributing to the process by sharing their ideas about the region.
What am I hearing? Sadly, I am hearing what I have always heard in NE Ohio, which is lots of dissatisfaction and unhappiness about the region, its economy, its politics, and many other issues. I thought New Orleans was the best place to hear people "sing the blues." Listen to those NEO blues. Just a little joke.
What do I really hear from Voices and Choices? I hear about the same thing I hear everywhere else in the world: people suffering and people suffering about their suffering. It's ok, that is very consistent with the first of the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism, which is that "Life is suffering." The other three are: Our suffering stems from our attachment by the mind to things, ideas, feelings, and anything else; Our attachment can be overcome through self-awareness and practice; and finally, by following the Dharma, which means we should seek the Higher Truth, we can reduce our suffering. The Higher Truth referred to by the way lies inside each of us.
It might serve all of us to explore the relevance of the Four Noble Truth to our lives. After all, what do we have to lose--but our suffering.
Here are a couple quick observations I'd offer for consideration. First, the world is what it is. Accept to as it really is. Nothing more and nothing less. In that light, NEO is what it is. My guess is that when each of us looks honestly inside ourself, we will see that NE Ohio is not the problem that we suffer over. Rather, the problem is our attachment to certain ideas or feelings we have about NEO, ourselves, and other things.
On the economic front, stop wanting the regional economy to be something other than what it is. It is what it is. Stop wanting the region's economy to look like Austin's, or some place else. NEO is not Austin or any other place. NEO is NEO. Find the good in what NEO is. Rest in the joy you find there, and assert to yourself that life is good in NEO. It's amazing how things are magically transformed once we see them for what they really are. I say that because there are those who will read this and say: "Are you crazy? We need to CHANGE how things are." My only response is to appreciate what is already there first, and then see what happens.
By the way, the ground we stand on in NEO is sacred ground. Treat it with respect and treat all that you find here with respect and appreciation. I find that when I practice paying respect and giving appreciation, the same is returned to me. It's magic. Try it.
Want to reduce your suffering? Let go of the ideas that make you suffer. Then, take a fresh look at NEO and everything else in your life. Chances are the world will look different to you, including NEO, because you've changed inside.
Bottom line: It's up to each of us to end our own suffering and create our own joy in life. That's not Mayor Frank Jackson's job. That's not the the Chairman of the Greater Cleveland Partnership's job. It's your job. It's my job.
This voice has spoken. Feel free to listen, if you like. It doesn't matter. It's just one tiny voice among many. However, it is a joyous voice.