Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, December 29, 2003

counter statistics

Looking Ahead to 2004

American Demographics has an interesting article in it December-January issue about looking ahead to 2004. Here are a couple quotes from the article that make us think.

Mark Zandi, economist with "Most people see 2004 as the best economic year since 2000. Very good economic growth is in the cards, if we just don't screw it up."

Cynthia Robbins-Roth, Biotech executive: "Forget the Human Genome Project. Biotech is now figuring out its own definitions of what it does as it goes. There is no roadmap capable of leading us forward. We will figure it out as we go."

Jaya Saxena, 17-year old high school student: "My friends and I like to think we have better things to spend our time other than fashion. Girsl at school get up at 5 am to put on their makeup. I cannot afford to buy the latest fad. I want clothes that are flexible and can adapt to changes in the fashion world. I dress simply and don't try to look like everyone else. That's more important in my book."

Source: American Demographics (Subscription required.)


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