Economic Development Futures Journal

Saturday, December 27, 2003

counter statistics

GIS Applications for Economic Development

GIS (geographic information system) software can assist economic development organizations to:

- Analyze their target market through accurate demographic information: location, age, sex, education, language, income, spending habits, and product and service needs;

- Identify their proximity to transportation infrastructures such as major highways, railroads and airports as well as public services and competitors;

- Identify locations for entertainment facilities such as golf courses, theatres and restaurants; and

- Undertake redevelopment of community areas to reverse deteriorating trends, create jobs, and revitalize the business climate.

GIS software is a great solution for analyzing and presenting this information to prospects. The core of GIS technology is its ability to bring information together at any scale from large to small to allow for more informed decisions.

Go here to read more.


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