Economic Development Futures Journal

Sunday, August 13, 2006

counter statistics

CfED's Assets and Opportunities Scoreboard

The 2005 Assets and Opportunity Scorecard is a state-level snapshot of how the country is performing in six key areas: financial security, business development, homeownership, health care, education, and tax policy and accountability. The Scorecard uses a broad array of outcome and policy measures to assess states' asset-building and asset-protection capacity. Letter grades are assigned for the outcome measures.

State policies are assessed separately and are rated as either "favorable," "standard," or "substandard." Grades are not issued for the tax policy area since it does not include outcome measures.After analyzing 31 outcome measures across the five graded issue areas, 10 states receive overall A's: Alaska, Connecticut, Delaware, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, and Vermont. In looking at 38 policy measures, 21 states receive an overall favorable policy rating. Among them, only the District of Columbia, Massachusetts, Minnesota, and New York received favorable ratings in all five graded issue areas.

Learn more here.


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