Avoid the Common Career Change Mistakes
I know a lot of people who would like to engage in more meaningful work in their lives. Career change is a big deal. Career changers can make some big mistakes. What are they? Here is some advice from career expert Randall S. Hansen.
First what are the questions going through your mind?
"Are you considering changing your career? Are you bored, fed-up, lost, or otherwise unhappy in your current career? Are you facing a crossroads at which you need to decide between staying in your current field and moving to a new one? Do you have skills that you are not using in your current career? Have you been promoted to a point where you are no longer doing what you love?
Changing careers is one of the biggest decision job-seekers face, and with many possible outcomes and consequences. Before you make that jump to a new career field, consider these common career change mistakes so that you can avoid them as you make the transition from one career to your next."
Read more here at Quintessential Careers.
don, this is very true, but sometimes circunstances beyond ur cntrol can cause u 2 change careers.
In the develpoing countries mostly u find that people keep changing careers, nt b/c they want 2 but most times it's just inevitable, I've seen it happen a lot of times but tell u what its no good.
I totally agree with You! thks 4 the post, I'll keep that in mind, might tell my kids about it when I start having! LOL!!
Christie's Corner, at 2:52 AM
Christabelle...thanks for stopping by and commenting. This career shift issue is a major issue for many folks. I am really concerned about it.
Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D., at 5:32 AM
i'm not personally looking for a career change as such right now b/c i don't have one...but i hope to do economic development a create my career in that profession.
We'll see. i had an interview today. :-)
--RC of strangeculture.blogspot.com
RC, at 5:11 PM
Economic development is a great profession. Good luck with the interview!
Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D., at 2:35 AM
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