Economic Development Futures Journal

Friday, September 02, 2005

counter statistics

R&D Construction is Growing

Everybody loves the high tech sector. Construction industry firms have long followed science, designing and building structures that allow research to move from untested concept to proven reality. As 21st-Century R&D explodes in new directions, industry forces are taking a more active role in the still-unfolding market and technology adventure.

The promise of life science and nanotechnology R&D to improve the quality of life has generated a new rush for bricks-and-mortar testing and manufacturing facilities. Federal agencies have more expansive funding missions, while corporate developers speed new products to market. Universities want glitzy facilities to vie for research dollars and "name" scientists, while municipalities see high- tech "parks" as a more acceptable economic development lure than casinos. Participants are linking up fast to share research, project development and perhaps, most importantly, funding.

More here. (Paid Engineering News Record subscription required.)


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