Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, October 13, 2003

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Economic Development Research

Research is vitally important to the success of economic development programs. Economic development organizations (EDO's) have increased their attention to research and planning over the past 10-15 years. These activities are a part of what I call the "knowledge management" function in economic development.

Economic development research activities fall into two broad groups: 1) basic research focused on understanding the behavior and driving factors of economic local and state economic systems; and 2) applied research focused on real-world decision-making in economic development.

What are some typical research and planning activities undertaken by EDO's?

* Local and state economic research.
* Demographic research.
* Business prospect research.
* Industry trend analysis.
* Target industry/industry cluster analysis.
* Competitive intelligence gathering.
* Location factor analysis.
* Geographic information system (GIS) analysis.
* Customized business presentation development.
* Labor market trend research.
* Cost of doing business comparisons.
* Economic and fiscal impact analysis.
* Survey research, including web-based surveys.
* Opinion polls.
* Cost of living comparisons.

Who is doing research in economic development? Many work for EDO's, while others work for university centers and associations with involvement in economic development. Some work as consultants to EDO's. Here are some excellent examples of people feeding the research pipeline in economic development.

* Steve Kelley, Chief Economist, Ohio Dept. of Development.
* George Harben, Vice President, Research and Marketing, Paducah Kentucky Economic Development Council.
* Paul Ringer, Sr. Vice President & Chief Performance Officer, Greater Phoenix Economic Council.
* Rachel Burke, Research and Marketing Analyst, City of Avondale, AZ.
* Dr. Jim Robey, Vice President, Research, Greater Cleveland Growth Association.
* Dr. Bill Lafayette, Vice President, Economic Analysis Greater Columbus Chamber of Commerce.
* Dr. Sena Black, Senior Vice President, Research and Marketing, Enterprise Florida.
* Dr. Lay James Gibson, Professor of Geography, University of Arizona.
* Dr. Ned Hill, Professor of Urban Studies and Planning, Cleveland State University.
* Dr. Rhonda Phillips, Assistant Professor, Dept. of Planning, University of Florida.
* Mary Jo Waits, Assoc. Director, Morrison Institute on Public Policy, Arizona State University.
* Dr. Ken Poole, President, ACCRA.
* Jeff Blodgett, Vice President of Research, CERC, Connecticut.
* Dean Whittaker, President, Whittaker & Associates, Holland, Michigan.
* Don Iannone, President, Donald T. Iannone & Associates, Mayfield Village, Ohio.

Featured research publication: Download the first issue of Applied Research in Economic Development Journal (New ED research journal.)


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