Good News Story on Youngstown
Bill DeCicco from Youngstown sent me a note that a great article was published in the online version of Planning Magazine. I just read it and I agree wholeheartedly.
Youngstown has struggled over the past three decades to recover from the loss of its once mighty steel industry, which closed plant by plant starting in the late 1970's.
The community has moved into a much more aggressive action mode in recent years, starting with a regional strategy (Jobs for Our Valley) that my firm, assisted by Edward Morrison, LLC and Garnet Consulting Services, prepared for regional business, government and educational leaders. Very recently, the finishing touches have been put on a new city development plan called Youngstown 2010.
Read more about Youngstown's progress by clicking here. Thomas Finnerty of Youngstown State University wrote the article. Nice job Tom, and thanks for the tip Bill.
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