Economic Development Futures Journal

Thursday, May 22, 2003

counter statistics

Vertical Living Catches on in Cleveland

Cleveland is making headway with its vertical living plans; that is its plan to expand downtown and suburban condominium living. Ok, so Cleveland is not the first to move in this direction, but finally it is.

Area planning and economic development offices, builders and real estate brokers estimate that almost 750 townhouse units are either ready for occupancy, under construction, or designed, approved and ready to build in Cleveland and five suburbs. Town planners also say proposals for another 700 to 800 townhouses are in the works, including a controversial plan for multi-story for-sale units atop parking garages on the west end of Lakewood.

The secret to a 24/7 downtown is people living downtown. This is a good thing for the city and the region.

Article link.


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