Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, May 12, 2003

counter statistics

Helping Tool and Die Companies Compete

Tool and die makers are important suppliers to a wide range of manufacturing industries, including the automotive and aerospace industries, which are major consumers of tools, dies, jigs, fixtures and a host of related products. At one time, these companies represented a unique strength of the American manufacturing system. Today, competition in this sector is global, with many other countries able to best our prices and match our quality. U.S. tool and dies companies are struggling.

How can EDO's help these companies to strengthen their competitiveness? Take a note from Michigan's collaborative business model for the state's tool and die companies. The Michigan model encourages and assists local tool and die companies to work cooperatively on both domestic and international projects. The objective is to increase Michigan's tool and die makers' ability to provide 'system solutions' to market needs and also to grab global market niches through working together, even with foreign tool and die makers, where that is necessary.

How can you learn more about the Michigan collaborative business model for tool and die makers? Download the report describing it here.


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