Economic Development Futures Journal

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

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Toyota Comes to Texas, and there are
Details to be Resolved

The new Toyota plant is good economic news for Texas. Big deals are rarely easy deals to do. Ask any economic developer who has ever put one of these projects together. There are lots of minute details and snags that fall in your path as you try to put a major project development plan into action. What's the hang up in Texas? A 100-year old house that sits in the middle of the site to be used for the new development.

What do you do with a 100-year old ranch house? Build around it? Tear it down? Move it? Integrate it into the development plan? This is an issue that local and state economic developers must resolve before the land transfer occurs at the end of this month.

It's amazing how history has a way of getting in the way of our future at times.

Go here to read more.


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