Economic Development Futures Journal

Sunday, March 02, 2003

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For What Reasons Would We Fight?

Whether or not you agree with what others think and say, it is still important to know what they are thinking and saying. The Iranian view of our prospective war with Iraq contains several possible theories about why this war and why now. One of those reasons is American economic development. Oil, say the Iranians, is central to U.S. and world economic progress. They also say that the growth of our "war industries" (military-industrial complex) is an issue. These are far from new explanations.

ED Futures tries to reflect different perspectives of economic development, including those that defy our beliefs. Why? Because our beliefs at times can undermine our ability to know the multiple realities that co-exist in the world. If we aim to solve the world's most serious problems, this understanding is vital.

Go here to read more about what Iranian's think about our reasons for going to war with Iraq.


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