Christian Science Monitor Article: ED Takes a Hit
in These Tough Economic Times
A recent Christian Science Monitor article tells the same story we have been telling here at ED Futures; that is economic development has taken quite a beating in recent times. Go here to read the article.
I would offer one observation and a couple questions for all to consider. First, here is my observation. Economic developers are not using their collective strength to respond to the new wave of budget cuts and other attacks. United we stand, divided we fall. Why haven't we organized on a statewide, regional and national basis to help one another? Maybe we should be using our national, regional and state associations to address these issues.
Now for my questions:
1. Will the current cutbacks in economic development spending have lasting effects on the quality and integrity of the economic development infrastructure nationally? I see lots of little and some big holes poked into the economic development ship. Are these holes enough to sink the ship?
2. How can we make the case that economic development is really an investment that can help us pull out of this rough economic time? Should we be considering a "business model shift" that helps us increase our impact on common threats and opportunities? I will say it again--we need more national and global partnerships in economic development. Weave the national and international networks.
3. How do we prevent this situation from happening again in the future?
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