Economic Development Futures Journal

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

counter statistics

Statewide Public-Private Organizations
for Economic Development

The National Association of State Development Agencies (NASDA) has been tracking public-private partnerships (PPP's). Go here to see what they are doing. My impression is that the NASDA list will need updating shortly.

With new Governors taking office this year in many states, it may be timely to see how state governments are partnering with the private sector to accomplish economic development goals. Will PPP's grow in popularity in the future? Could current state budget shortfalls push the states to do more partnering? We see more PPP's on the horizon, not just for budget reasons, but also because they are effective strategies in many areas.

Looking one step beyond, will states work with one another more in the future? For everybody's sake, I hope they do. How can your state work collaboratively with other states--neighboring and otherwise--to stimulate industry cluster growth, technological innovation, pooling venture and seed capital investments and various other areas? This may be the time to explore your interstate cooperation opportunities.


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