Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, February 03, 2003

counter statistics

Shuttle Disaster's Effects on Economy

Will the space shuttle Columbia disaster have a measurable effect on consumer confidence or financial markets? Analysts are saying at this point that the tragedy will not have a significant impact. If terrorism was involved, the reaction would be quite different, according to a New York Times article this morning.

What are Americans' immediate reactions to the tragedy? A Sunday poll by CNN/USA Today/Gallup says that despite the second space shuttle catastrophe in 17 years, Americans want the program to continue and most remain convinced that the nation should not abandon its emphasis on a manned approach to space exploration.

The poll also shows that the public's reactions to Saturday's tragic loss of the space shuttle Columbia are in many ways quite close to those measured after the January 1986 explosion of the Challenger shuttle. Americans wanted the space shuttle program to continue in 1986, and they want it to continue now.

The poll shows no signs that Americans' overall confidence in NASA has dropped after Saturday's events. Most believe that NASA's funding should either continue at its current level or be increased in the future.

Very few Americans think the breakup and loss of the Columbia was the result of terrorism.

Many Americans, while upset over the tragedy, felt that something like it was bound to happen, and only about 4 out of 10 have a great deal of confidence that NASA will be able to prevent future shuttle accidents.


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