Economic Development Futures Journal

Saturday, February 01, 2003

counter statistics

Yet Even More on Innovation

I want to share this wonder piece from with you about the role of innovation in business.

"Businesses, like people, need to exercise regularly. Otherwise, they become flabby and won't live long lives. Innovation is the exercise a business needs to do. People jog or run to lose weight; a business must do process innovation to streamline its operation and lose fat. Through revising office or plant processes, better customer service may result, or savings may be reflected in the bottom line or the customer's cost. This idea of making small changes in procedures began in manufacturing plants where quality circles of workers shared their wisdom with management. In Japan it is called Kaizen Teian, meaning continuous improvement process. The circles made Japan a great manufacturing nation. As all employees make little improvements continually, the cumulative effect is tremendous. A firm can lose a lot of weight."

Innovation can do the same for economic developers and ED organiztaions--help us continuously improve by doing lots of small things and help us lose the extra weight of old ideas that we carry around.


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