A Lesson from Telford, UK
By 2026, Telford will be a city of more than 200,000 people with a workforce of 110,000. These workers will be part of a thriving economy driven by new technology and communications. Telford itself will have become an “electronic city”, rekindling its reputation for innovation and be at the forefront of key business sectors including advanced engineering, IT and building technology.
And the district centres of the new town will be successful “niche economies” in their own right.
This is the blueprint for the economic future of the town according to Vision 2026 - a document from the Telford & Wrekin Strategic Partnership which lays out the development - cultural, social and financial - of Telford.
But is it pie in the sky? Or could it actually become a reality? Ray Prior, chairman of Telford Economic Development Partnership, believes it is an aspirational document but believes its aims are achievable.
Read more here.
Hi from Telford UK!
There are some for and some against the vision, a topic of hot debate locally.
You are more than welcome to let us have your thoughts on our forum.
Anonymous, at 2:37 PM
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