Latest Survey of US Business Owners
There were 23 million nonfarm U.S. businesses in 2002, employing 110.8 million persons and generating $22.6 trillion in business revenues. Firms with paid employees accounted for 5.5 million or 24.0 percent of these businesses and $21.8 trillion or 96.6 percent of their receipts.
The Company Summary: 2002 is the only report in the 2002 Survey of Business Owners (SBO) publication series to provide estimates of gender business ownership by Hispanic or Latino origin and race and estimates of White-owned firms. The report provides data on both the number of employer and nonemployer firms, sales and receipts, annual payroll, and employment. Data aggregates are presented by gender, Hispanic or Latino origin, and race for the United States by 2002 North American Industry Classification System (NAICS), kind of business, state, metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas, county, place, and employment and receipts size.
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