Nebraska Corn Headed to Ethanol
Within five years, the vast majority of Nebraska's corn crop will help fuel America's surging ethanol producing industry.
Nebraska Corn Board Executive Director Don Hutchens says two-thirds of the state’s corn crop could be used in ethanol production by 2011. "By the end of the next 18 months, we'll have about 36 percent of our corn produced in the state going to ethanol."
"Within two to three years from that," said Hutchens, "we could very easily double that number to 60-65 percent of our corn going to ethanol production."
Facing high gasoline prices and calls for sustainable energy sources, the U.S. ethanol industry has come alive this past year. Nebraska currently has 12 ethanol plants in operation that produce more than 600 million gallons a year of ethanol. Ten more ethannol plants are under construction, and several others are in various stages of development.
Read more here.
Same is happening here in Missouri. Ethanol madness!
I am still undecided . . . when I see studies which show that it takes 67% more energy to make the ethanol than derives from it, I begin to wonder. On the other hand, when the oil is scarcer and scarcer, perhaps this is the only way we can continue our type of wasteful society in the future. On the third hand, I guess I have a problem with burning our food! Pesky problems.
goatman, at 1:51 PM
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