Tucson group leads new fuel initiative
A few stations in the Tucson area and Maricopa County carry E85 ethanol and bio-diesel fuels, and the Tucson Clean Cities Coalition recently met with representatives of the Lower Colorado River Resource Conservation and Development Council (RC&D) to bring the fuels to pumps in the Northwestern region. Read more here.
Richard Heinberg writes about the "Peak Oil" phenomenon--and how having reached the limit of oil production will force our society to transition from fossil fuels. The infrastructural change we'll see will be "as profound as any in human history" (think Industrial Revolution).
Only this one's going to be the reverse--we'll have no choice but to de-escalate our passionate commitment to constant growth and to acquiring an ever-greater hoard of material possessions. And he thinks it might well happen within 4 years, not 4 decades.
Read his blog/newsletter.
Barbara Payne, at 10:41 AM
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