Some Blogging Tips
A few economic developers have asked me if they should start a blog. My response is always the same: Only do it if you plan to keep your blog up-t0-date. Others have asked me how they can work blogging into their busy schedules. Those concerned about the time it takes to blog might find these tips from to be useful:
1) Blog in Small Chunks.
Often, big ideas can stop you from blogging. After all, big ideas take time to organize and to clarify. So, instead of blogging about your big ideas in one go, just try to blog one simple point at a time.
2) Blog the Way You Talk.
When you try to sound clever, intelligent or funny in your blog and it's not really your style, then blogging will feel like a chore. So, forget what you think blogging should be like and just do things your way.
3) Get an Aggregator.
Blog hopping (going from blog to the next) can be very time consuming. Although this may be a great way to pass some idle moments, when you're reading blogs for a purpose (e.g., looking for material to blog about), then it's not the most efficient way to find content.
That's why aggregators are great!
Setting Up Blog Readers
List of Aggregators
4) Schedule Your Blogging.
Whenever you "run out of time" for something, it's usually because you did not prioritize that activity in your schedule. That's why if you wish to find the right time to blog, it's best to schedule it. For example, if you told yourself that you wish to blog at least 1-2 times a week, then you might want to give yourself specific days and/or times for a 20-30 minute blogging session.
5) Take Note of Your Blog Ideas.
Let's face it. Finding ideas to blog about isn't always easy. That's why when you do have ideas that you wish to explore in your blog, make sure that you list them down. This way, you will always have a place to check when you have no idea what to blog about.
What Do I Blog About?
Ten Ways To Create Content For Your Weblog
6) Use Blog Tools for More Effective Blogging.
Desktop clients, blogmarks, and mobile blogging tools are just some of the additional blogging tools that you can use to help you save time when you blog.
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