Interview with Louisiana Dept. of Economic Development Head, Michael Olivier
Here is an interesting interview on what it is like to be an economic developer in Louisiana with Katrina and its aftermath. Good one. Mike is a friend by the way. I wish him well.
When Louisiana Economic Development Secretary Michael Oliver initially accepted the much- desired job as head “job hunter” for the State of Louisiana, never in his dreams would he have expected a solid one-two punch of Katrina and Rita. Now that shadow of Katrina is over six months long, the annual Governor’s Economic Development Conference is upon us and it’s time to look to the future and to hopeful opportunities.
Bayoubuzz presents an interview with LED Secretary Michael Olivier to provide an idea of the state of affairs in the state of business and an inside look at what we can expect at the Governor’s Economic Development Conference which starts Monday.
Read the interview details here.
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