Get RCA's 1939 Annual Report Here
Looking for "old" corporate annual reports. Check out the University of Pennsylvania's Library.
(Postcard Photo): Victor Building, Camden, NY, early 1900s
Here is an excerpt from the 1939 RCA Annual Report:
"In 1939 Radio Corporation of America (RCA) completed its twentieth year of operation.
Organized in 1919 primarily as a wireless telegraph company, it has expanded its activities to all fields of radio, and its products and services are known and used throughout the world.
This report covers the operations of the Corporation and its wholly-owned companies for the year 1939.
Operations of all RCA companies were on a profitable basis. Consolidated gross income was $110,494,398, anincrease of $10,526,288 over the preceding year. Consolidated net profit was $8,082,811, an increaseof $670,739 over the preceding year."
What will we think of Microsoft, Wal-Mart, and our other current corporate giants in 65 or 70 years?
Cleveland Public Library has a similar collection of annual reports, dating, I understand to the 1920s.
Anonymous, at 9:00 AM
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