High-End Retail Not as Easy to Attract
When developers proposed bringing a Wal-Mart Supercenter to Avondale, Arizona last fall, residents pleaded for something more upscale. Opponents of the Wal-Mart asked for stores like AJ's Fine Foods, Crate and Barrel or the Cheesecake Factory - something fancier, something more like Scottsdale.
Gateway Crossing, the latest retail development approved by the City Council, will bring in a Best Buy and Old Navy to the 29-acre shopping center. But those aren't the dream stores that shoppers that local shoppers were hoping for.
Avondale is learning what many other communities are also learning. High-end retailing requires strong proof the market they seek to serve is really there. During these economic times, even in high-growth Arizona, the big high-end chains are getting pickier.
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