Economic Development Futures Journal

Sunday, October 23, 2005

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Thirteen Leadership Mistakes to Avoid

In his 1966 book, The Officer as a Leader, Brigadier General S.L.A. Marshall shared thirteen mistakes leaders should avoid that are worth considering:

1. To attempt to set up your own standard of right and wrong.
2. To try to measure the enjoyment of others by your own.
3. To expect uniformity of opinions in the world.
4. To fail to make allowance for inexperience.
5. To endeavor to mold all dispositions alike.
6. Not to yield on unimportant trifles.
7. To look for perfection in our own actions.
8. To worry ourselves and others about what can't be remedied.
9. Not to help everybody wherever, however, whenever we can.
10. To consider impossible what we cannot ourselves perform.
11. To believe only what our finite minds can grasp.
12. Not to make allowances for the weaknesses of others.
13. To estimate by some outside quality, when it is that within which makes the man.

I pass this along to all of you. Pretty good advice on what not to do as a leader!


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