Target Industry: NAICS 33911 - Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing
Industry Definition
This industry is comprised of businesses that are primarily engaged in manufacturing medical equipment and supplies.
Examples of products made by these establishments are: laboratory apparatus and furniture, surgical and medical instruments, surgical appliances and supplies, dental equipment and supplies, orthodontic goods, dentures, and orthodontic appliances.
Participants in the industry supply to wholesalers as well as directly to hospitals, private medical practices, and laboratories.
Note: The industry does not manufacture laboratory instruments, X-ray apparatus, electromedical apparatus (including hearing aids), and thermometers (except medical).
Industry Revenue, 2003-2004: $65 billion
Industry Employment, 2003-2004: 320,266 people
Number of Establishmenst, 2003-2004: 15,850 businesses
The main products or services supplied by the industry are:
Laboratory apparatus and furniture manufacturing - Hospital beds, operating room tables, laboratory balances and scales, furnaces, ovens, centrifuges, cabinets, cases, benches, tables, and stools, Dental Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing- Dental chairs, dental instruments, delivery systems, dental hand instruments, and dental impression material, Ophthalmic Goods Manufacturing- Prescription eyeglasses (except manufactured in a retail setting), contact lenses, sunglasses, eyeglass frames, and reading glasses made to standard powers, Dental Laboratories- Dentures, crowns, bridges, and orthodontic appliances customized for individual application, Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing-Medical, surgical, ophthalmic, and veterinary instruments and apparatus (except electrotherapeutic, electromedical and irradiation apparatus), Examples include syringes, hypodermic needles, anesthesia apparatus, blood transfusion equipment, catheters, surgical clamps, and medical thermometers, Surgical Appliance and Supplies Manufacturing- Orthopedic devices, prosthetic appliances, surgical dressings, crutches, surgical sutures, and personal industrial safety devices (except protective eyewear).
Downstream Industry Linkages
The industries listed below are the major buyer industries of Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing:
42145 - Medical, Dental and Hospital Equipment and Supplies Wholesalers
62111 - Offices of Physicians
62121 - Offices of Dentists
62132 - Offices of Optometrists
62151 - Medical and Diagnostic Laboratories
62211 - General Medical and Surgical Hospitals
62423 - Emergency and Other Relief Services
Upstream Industry Linkages
The industries listed below are the major supplier industries of Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing.
32612 - Plastics Pipe, Pipe Fitting and Unsupported Profile Shape Manufacturing
32622 - Rubber and Plastics Hoses and Belting Manufacturing
32721 - Glass and Glass Product Manufacturing
33531 - Electrical Equipment Manufacturing
Major Players
The Major Players in the industry are the top 5-10 companies in the industry based on total revenue.
Johnson & Johnson
General Electric Company
Medtronic, Inc.
Baxter International Inc.
Tyco International Ltd.
Industry Conditions
Medical Equipment and Supplies Manufacturing is in a mature phase of its life cycle, which means that the industry is generally growing at the same rate as the economy. Capital/labor intensity is medium and the uptake of new technology is high. The industry's globalization level is medium and the trend is faster than the economy.
The industry has a medium level of exports, which means exports generate between 5% and 25% of the industry's revenue.
The industry has a medium level of imports, which means imports generate between 5% and 25% of the industry's domestic demand. Exports are steady and imports are increasing. The level of regulation is high and increasing and government assistance is medium and steady.
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