Oregon Convention Center Does It Right
The Oregon Convention Center (OCC) in Portland, OR, is more than a showcase for the conferences, fairs, exhibitions, seminars, and banquets that fill up the center’s events calendar for months ahead. It’s also a showcase in and of itself for sustainable design.
According to the convention center’s Green Report, “sustainable practices are at the heart of the Oregon Convention Center’s operation and planning. Through facility design, operational practices, and energy and resource conservation programs, the OCC strives to stand as an example for the region and nation of what is achievable with wise resource planning and a conservation ethic.” (From The Green Report, 2002-2003, Oregon Convention Center. Written by Jeffrey A. Blosser, executive director, and Bob Spier, director of operations and OCC Green Team leader.)
Read more here.
TFM actually did a big article on this last year. It can be found at http://www.todaysfacilitymanager.com/tfm_04_07_showcase.asp.
These guys have accomplished pretty amazing things. Best of all, they're really humble (and yet inspired) about all of their achievements. Great post.
HeidiTFM, at 2:08 PM
Thanks Heidi.
Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D., at 4:58 AM
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