Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, July 04, 2005

counter statistics

ED Board Performance Assessment

ED boards, by and large, do not assess their own performance. That's what my survey of over 600 EDOs nationwide says.

Why? Three reasons have surfaced: 1) because they don't think they need to; 2) because they don't want to; and 3) because the idea never occurred to them.

If your ED board does not assess its own performance in achieving your EDO's goals, it needs to in the future. That's a recommendation. How else will it know whether it is effective in giving leadership to the organization?

The enlightened ED boards out there are moving in the direction of requirements of the Sarbane-Oxley Act, and they are having serious conversations about how well they are doing in leading the organization; that is they are evaluating their own performance.

Click here to download a very simple, but useful, survey that can help your board assess its performance. I have used similar tools in my work. You might also encourage your board to assess its contributions to your organization's top priorities (hopefully stated as quantifiable goals).


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