Economic Development Futures Journal

Sunday, July 17, 2005

counter statistics

Amy's Kitchen Heads to Oregon

With a profit margin of just 3%, the California-based organic frozen-foods company decided Medford, Oregon's lower costs were a key ingredient for its new plant

With the lure of up to $1 million a year in cost savings, the Berliners (owners) chose Medford, Ore. -- a small city of fewer than 70,000, located just 27 miles north of the California border. Andy Berliner expects to break ground on the Medford facility this August. The plant will start with about 350 employees, and the Santa Rosa operations will continue as usual.

More here.


  • I am very interested in applying for a position at Amy's Kitchen. How do I go about getting an application or submitting my resume to you for review?

    Kriss Norris
    (541) 292-3280

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:28 AM  

  • I suggest calling the compay directly.

    Good luck.


    By Blogger Don Iannone, D.Div., Ph.D., at 7:07 AM  

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