Economic Development Futures Journal

Thursday, April 07, 2005

counter statistics

Strategic Flexibility

According to Deloitte Consulting, companies that want to stake out a defensible market position in this uncertain and volatile marketplace are finding themselves at a loss. They must stay nimble in this environment; however, that often means sacrificing exactly what allows companies to compete for market dominance — the scale and complexity of their organizations. Deloitte Research has developed Strategic Flexibility — an approach that allows organizations to prepare effectively for a future they cannot predict. The framework of Strategic Flexibility requires that companies:

* Anticipate multiple scenarios;
* Formulate strategies for each;
* Acquire the capabilities to execute those strategies;
* Execute the "most likely" strategy;
* Be prepared to rapidly adopt one of the alternatives if market forces dictate.

Here to read more.

My question is: Can communities apply the principles of "strategic flexibility" to position themselves for future economic development opportunities in uncertain times. Let's hope so, given the direction global business strategy is headed in today.


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