Economic Development Futures Journal

Saturday, October 16, 2004

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Ted Levine Speaks on ED Careers

Here are some valuable thoughts that Ted Levine, a leading marketing stalwart in the ED field and the founder of Development Counsellors International, shared with me about ED careers. Having known Ted for many years, I respect his views. Ted is on my top ten list of "All Time Influencers in the ED Field."


Here are my thoughts on economic development careers:

DCI has in the past 44 years worked with over 400 economic developers; most have been capable and conscientious, but only perhaps a dozen I would rate as "great."

In trying to consider differences between "Great" Developers and "Good" Developers I came up with five key differentiators:

1) Understands that politics is part of the game and indulges in it with relish;

2) Persists with prospects long after most others have given up;

3) Understands that existing business, not new business, is the basis for most local prosperity;

4) Realizes that private business people constitute a more powerful sales force than professional developers; and

5) Never misses an opportunity to keep up to date on meaningful business trends anywhere in the world.

Hope this helps.

-- Ted


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