Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, October 04, 2004

counter statistics

Is the Economic Development Field Growing?

Like other "senior" members of the economic development field, I get this question frequently from newcomers to the field.

Truthfully, I am not sure what the answer is. If economic development is growing, it is not clear how the field is growing.

What is the current trend line in terms of new job openings in the field? Is the quality of economic development jobs improving? If so, how?

What does the future outlook for employment in the field look like? In which U.S. regions will ED jobs grow the most? What types of organizations will create the best jobs in the future?

These are just a few questions that go through my mind as I ponder the growth of our evolving profession.

I would welcome your thoughts on these questions, as well as the questions you would ask about the future growth potential of our field.

I look forward to hearing from you. Feel free to post comments to this article, or drop me an email at:


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