Tax Incentives are part of the old guard, we need new methods and I believe that is gonna require upfront, state & county investment dollars to lure what's left our economy into their slice of the neighborhood. I will expect state & county ED to become very competitive as we see our local tax base erode due to the continuing jobless recovery.
If you are not good at creating jobs --- move jobs in and just maybe a few locals might pick up a couple of crumbs in the process, plus you look good in the papers. Plant relocations are warm to hot and they would move a lot quicker if they were offered move & upgrade funding. A dream in point: Wal-Mart's headquarters resides in the northwest corner of the state of Arkansas, nestled in the Ozark mountains. There is absolutely nothing there, but a small town atmosphere and a four-laned highway passing through. They have 5,000 or more programmers on staff there. Can you imagine the payroll for all of these programmers? Wow..what a market.
What if you had the resources to walk right up to the COB and/or CEO and say, "I have a place for you that will inspire yourself & your employees that looks pretty much like this you have here ( the view) , but has access to a modern metropolitan lifestyle....and all you have to do is make the arrangements to build a brand new facility in my state that suits you and leave the relocation part to us. We will relieve you of the burden of selling your physical assets and your employee's homes and give all of you fair market value for these properties. What do you it a deal?"
Every state is a domestic trading partner, some are international trading partners. For some reason we don't compare each state's contribution to the Federal GDP figures....interesting. Steal from Paul to pay Peter? California is a mess -- $1 trillion economy with $$ billions in deficit. How do you crawl out of a hole like that? Easy, restrict the flow of funds leaving Calif and at the same time increase the inflows to Calif. By doing this, you allow the wealth over a period of short time frame to exchange hands exponentially; thus, raising tax revenues.
For example, Wally World (Wal-Mart) is a brilliant Great White Shark in the retailing market... don't blame them for what they are inherited to do... just compete with them... bring in some dolphins or the like. Wally is one of the best community vacuum cleaners that have ever been built, and boy does it lift you right off your feet! I would suggest to Arnie that Calif invest in what makes Wally the best: Supply Chain Management. Duplicate that practice for all of Calif to access and make it available at a competitive price for companies that reside in Calif; thus, reducing the outflow of Calif's economy to leech states. When you can, buy Californian!
Just like we will be touting soon, once again, "Buy American". I am already starting to see examples of those old 80's ads in my son's Popular Science magazines saying once again, "Made in USA".
U no makie something? U no servy something either.... bye - bye Yankie Imperialist.
Regards, Mike
Tax Incentives are part of the old guard, we need new methods and I believe that is gonna require upfront, state & county investment dollars to lure what's left our economy into their slice of the neighborhood. I will expect state & county ED to become very competitive as we see our local tax base erode due to the continuing jobless recovery.
If you are not good at creating jobs --- move jobs in and just maybe a few locals might pick up a couple of crumbs in the process, plus you look good in the papers. Plant relocations are warm to hot and they would move a lot quicker if they were offered move & upgrade funding. A dream in point: Wal-Mart's headquarters resides in the northwest corner of the state of Arkansas, nestled in the Ozark mountains. There is absolutely nothing there, but a small town atmosphere and a four-laned highway passing through. They have 5,000 or more programmers on staff there. Can you imagine the payroll for all of these programmers? Wow..what a market.
What if you had the resources to walk right up to the COB and/or CEO and say, "I have a place for you that will inspire yourself & your employees that looks pretty much like this you have here ( the view) , but has access to a modern metropolitan lifestyle....and all you have to do is make the arrangements to build a brand new facility in my state that suits you and leave the relocation part to us. We will relieve you of the burden of selling your physical assets and your employee's homes and give all of you fair market value for these properties. What do you it a deal?"
Every state is a domestic trading partner, some are international trading partners. For some reason we don't compare each state's contribution to the Federal GDP figures....interesting. Steal from Paul to pay Peter? California is a mess -- $1 trillion economy with $$ billions in deficit. How do you crawl out of a hole like that? Easy, restrict the flow of funds leaving Calif and at the same time increase the inflows to Calif. By doing this, you allow the wealth over a period of short time frame to exchange hands exponentially; thus, raising tax revenues.
For example, Wally World (Wal-Mart) is a brilliant Great White Shark in the retailing market... don't blame them for what they are inherited to do... just compete with them... bring in some dolphins or the like. Wally is one of the best community vacuum cleaners that have ever been built, and boy does it lift you right off your feet! I would suggest to Arnie that Calif invest in what makes Wally the best: Supply Chain Management. Duplicate that practice for all of Calif to access and make it available at a competitive price for companies that reside in Calif; thus, reducing the outflow of Calif's economy to leech states. When you can, buy Californian!
Just like we will be touting soon, once again, "Buy American". I am already starting to see examples of those old 80's ads in my son's Popular Science magazines saying once again, "Made in USA".
U no makie something? U no servy something either.... bye - bye Yankie Imperialist.
Anonymous, at 8:19 AM
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