Michigan Life Sciences
A Snapshot of Michigan’s Life Sciences Economy:
-Nearly $2 Billion Industry
-A $1 billion Life Sciences Corridor initiative to help fund research, industry, commercialization and innovation.
-2,377 Biotech degrees granted in 2001.
-Over 300 firms such as Pfizer, Lumigen, Osmic, Apolife, Esperion Therapeutics, Statprobe and Pharmacia.
-20,000 Life Sciences workers in Michigan.
-11 SmartZones stimulate growth and collaboration among technology-based businesses by clustering high-tech firms and research institutions together.
- 6 Incubators and 19 high-tech companies have located to SmartZones since the program’s inception in April 2001.
- SmartZone investment has generated more than $80 million in company investment in Michigan.
- Michigan is the #1 state in industrial research and development intensity, according to the National Science Foundation.
- $1 billion allocated over 20 years to assist life sciences projects.
- 22 new life sciences companies were formed in Michigan in 2001.
- $150 million has already been allocated from the $1 billion Life Sciences Corridor initiative.
- 18 projects share in $45 million from fund, awarded June 2002.
- Industry and regional groups include Automation Alley, I-TE@M (Information Technology Association of Michigan), IT Zone, Western Michigan IT Council, Lansing: TechConnect and Digital Detroit
- The University of Michigan is #1 in the nation for research, with $591 million in 2001.
- Tech centers, universities, government and non-profit organizations invest almost $19 billion in research and development.
- Pfizer’s lab expansion in Ann Arbor was named the Top Deal for 2001 by Site Selection and Business Facilities magazines.
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