Economic Development Futures Journal

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

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Looking for ideas on innovative or successful practices by employers to foster workforce development? Take a look at some of the things WEDnetPA in Pennsylvania is doing.

Successful or best practices when implemented as part of an annual continuous improvement program can produce a considerable return on investments. Using best practices is one of the easiest ways for a company to start the process of becoming a "High Performance Workplace". We encourage you to evaluate some of these proven human resource practices to improve your operations through increasing the skills of your employees and becoming a learning organization.

Formalized Training Plans; How to make sure your training investment improves your bottom line. Create a training plan on -line with our Training Planner software.

The Corporate University: It's not just your average training department!

How do you manage Turnover? In a time of lean organizations and dwindling pools of experienced hires, understanding WHY employees leave is the key to keeping them.

Managing Productivity: Making the most of your workforce. Invest in Productivity!

Managing Teamwork: Beyond team building seminars, how to make teamwork a reality at your company.

Here for more.


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