Just How Overpaid is Corporate America?
Top executive paychecks in 2003 were, as usual, off-the-charts amazing. However, overall raises for corporate leaders actually slowed considerably. The chief executives in BusinessWeek's 54th annual Executive Pay Scoreboard saw their average salary, bonus, and long-term compensation increase 9.1% last year, to $8.1 million, a far cry from the double-digit gains that were common in the 1990s. And they had better get used to it. A combination of increasingly independent boards, angry shareholders, and a likely rule change that would make it easier for big investors to oust clueless directors has many boards revamping pay packages in ways that should keep a lid on massive paydays far into the future.
Just think, these folks are getting paid more to send hundreds of thousands of YOUR jobs offshore. Aren't you glad that Corporate America has it's priorities straight?
Go here and weep.
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