Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, March 01, 2004

counter statistics

The Strategy Canvas for ED

Here is another idea from business strategy that makes sense in ED strategy.

Unfocused corporate vision stems from the strategic-planning process itself, which usually involves preparing a large document, culled from a mishmash of data provided by people with conflicting agendas. That kind of process almost guarantees an unfocused strategy. Instead, companies should design the strategic-planning process by drawing a picture: a strategy canvas.

A strategy canvas shows the strategic profile of your industry by depicting the various factors that affect competition. And it shows the strategic profiles of your current and potential competitors as well as your own company’s strategic profile—how it invests in the factors of competition and how it might in the future. The basic component of a strategy canvas—the value curve—is a tool the authors created in their consulting work and have written about in previous HBR articles. This article introduces a four-step process for actually drawing and discussing a strategy canvas. Readers will learn how one European financial services company used this process to create a distinct and easily communicable strategy.

Could this idea be applied to EDO's? Yes, I believe it can. Go here to read more. (Free registration required.)


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