Economic Development Futures Journal

Monday, March 29, 2004

counter statistics

Social and Political Swings in Sydney

Here is a clip from a recent Sydney, Australia newspaper article: "Perhaps the increasing aggressiveness of middle-class protest is in part a matter of the levers of social and economic power slipping out of the grasp of the baby-boom generation. It is a kind of tantrum of the ageing. Any policy approach, any analysis which disagrees with the increasingly fusty prejudices formed in the 1960s and '70s is treated as prima facie evil - that is why allegations of criminality and corruption are thrown around more and more wildly, as if nobody could ever make an honest case for development, greater population density or changes in roads and traffic arrangements."

Here to read more.

Does this sound familar? It should. We see some of the same developments here in the U.S. and elsewhere around the world. It's more important than ever to track social change in society to understand where the economy is heading.


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