Economic Development Futures Journal

Friday, January 30, 2004

counter statistics

A Word on Positioning

Marketing has played a major role in economic development for many years. Communities, regions and states are constantly looking at new and better ways to re-position themselves for new business investors. You may find this article on positioning to be VERY interesting.

According to Michael Fischler, "there are no fixed and unmovable rules to positioning—for that matter, to marketing in general. There are no “five easy steps” to any aspect of it—from writing headlines that sizzle to developing positions that don’t fizzle. Marketing is a craft, not a science. And every successful marketing program is made by hand, by talented craftsmen, sanding and sawing and staining a unique creation—a marketing structure—that works for their company and no other." (While his article pertained to B2B Internet marketing, there is some carryover to other applications of thinking, including the ED marketing arena.

When they’re done with their research, when they’ve looked intensively into who you are, how you compare with competitors, what customers think, what newsgroups and reviewers and analysts say, one of two things is going to happen:

1. The marketplace is going to find that you are who you position yourself to be. Good news: you’ve earned your place.

2. The marketplace is going to find that you are not. Not good news.

In the second case, the only position you’ll occupy in the marketplace is the most heavily populated one of them all: the “Full of Hot Air” position (although I daresay the thing you’re full of might change, depending on the vocabulary of your marketplace).

Go here to read more.


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