The Dark Side of Globalism
There are many different takes on globalism. This is one you may not have heard or thought about. Read on.
There are many faces of globalism and it comes with many names, but in all cases the goal of globalism is to erase national borders, eliminate national sovereignty, reduce national identities and move toward global governance through the United Nations.
The European Union is the prime example of the results of globalism, where once-proud nations have surrendered famous currencies like the deutsche mark, the franc and the lira. It's where ancient cultures like Greece and Rome have erased their borders and buried their cultures to be led by a Union of Socialists with loyalty to nothing but the drive for more and more power.
Yet it's done in the name of equity, economic prosperity and ecological integrity. Globalism is sold to the unsuspecting public with words like free trade, open borders and environmental protection, but it's really about redistribution of wealth; your wealth.
It's about erasing national borders and national sovereignty. And it's about top-down control, not necessarily by elected officials, but by special interests called Non-governmental organizations (NGO's), which are only sanctioned by the United Nations.
Globalism calls for a wrenching transformation of our society, away from representative government and independent nations to the establishment of a global village with global citizens. The entire plan is outlined in detail in the UN's Agenda 21, a treaty signed by then-President George Bush at the UN's Earth Summit in 1992.
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