Economic Development Futures Journal

Wednesday, November 26, 2003

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Arizona-Mexico Development Cooperation

Arizona has no choice but to forge stronger economic ties with Mexico. To avoid it, would lead to lost trade and investment opportunities and also spark greater economic problems, especially in the southern part of the state.

The respectful working relationship that Arizona's Gov. Janet Napolitano has forged with Gov. Eduardo Bours of Sonora holds great potential for regional trade and economic development. But it's not enough, as both governors stressed during a recent meeting of the Arizona-Mexico Commission and its Mexican sister group, the Sonora-Arizona Commission.

Goodwill, good intentions and even good plans only go so far. Focused energy, prioritized action and investment are also essential to meet the goals of establishing the Canamex Corridor, which could link the interior of Mexico with Canada by way of Arizona, along with related plans to upgrade the Nogales port of entry and create a deep-water port at Guaymas.

This is a case where money talks. Without the right level of public and private investment, opportunities will not grow on both sides of the border.

Go here to read more.


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