Economic Development Futures Journal

Wednesday, October 08, 2003

counter statistics

Governor Arnie

The poll results have been counted and the next governor of California is...Arnold Schwarzenegger. Californians turned out in droves and more than half - about 55 per cent - voted to "recall" Davis, effectively throwing him out of office.

I'm out here in California during this interesting moment in time. Republican-leaning San Diego folks I talked with before the election were confident that Schwarzenegger would prevail. One woman I spoke with said this to me: "Our economic mess is not Davis' fault, but he did a lousy job of keeping us informed and he could not maintain our confidence that our fiscal and economic problems could be solved. We need someone who is a sign of strength. Have you looked at Arnie's arms and shoulders? He is a picture of strength and that is what most Californians want during this hard time."

I think she said it all. Now, what will Governor Arnie's economic development program look like?


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