Economic Development Futures Journal

Friday, October 03, 2003

counter statistics

Florida New Cornerstone Reports In

Florida has been assessing its competitive environment for economic development through a new initiative called the Florida New Cornerstone project. The initiative was developed and conducted by the Florida Chamber Foundation and sponsored by private and public organizations throughout the state. The study has sought to assess Florida’s economic performance over the past decade, and provide an outlook for the future.

The main objectives for New Cornerstone are to make Florida the most competitive state in key industries, raise per capita income levels above the national average and make Florida the number one state to live, work and do business. The first three chapters of the report were released in early 2002.

Key strategies identified in the report include:

* Economic Diversification Emphasize trade, tourism, technology and talent

* Economic Gardening Focus on creating and growing Florida-based businesses, particularly in the arenas of innovation and technology industries

* Intellectual Infrastructure Develop, retain and attract a highly-skilled workforce

* Creative Communities Enhance community livability, attract mobile workers and shift toward proactive growth leadership

There is a lot to absorp and digest in the report, but it is worth a scan for interesting ideas. While much of the analysis focuses on the state's earlier economic performance, it also provides some interesting and useful insights into the state's economic future.

Go here.


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