Economic Development Futures Journal

Saturday, September 27, 2003

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Wall Street Without Walls

In 2003, Wall Street Without Walls (WSWW) was funded by the Fannie Mae Foundation to launch a series of orientation and training programs for community-based development organizations, preparing them to access capital markets. The organization works in partnership with the many national trade associations and professional organizations serving the community development field, as well as with capital markets firms. WSWW supports our profession's responsibility to serve the needs of the nonprofit, economic and community development community. It provides opportunities to finance professionals to assist those organizations which have the greatest need yet the least access to Wall Street expertise.

What is WSWW's mission? It is to encourage and facilitate the volunteer's provision of financial technical assistance (FTA) using his or her investment banking and capital markets perspective. Community and economic development organizations with sizable assets and financing needs will have the volunteer's support in thinking through and vetting their financial transactions. WSWW fills a finance skill and expertise gap in the nonprofit sector.

What kind of help can you receive from WSWW? Financial technical assistance includes providing help to individual CDC projects or pool of assets that require the expertise of these professions

- Commercial and Real Estate Financiers
- Low Income and Affordable Housing Finance Directors
- Structured and Asset Backed Finance Engineers
- Corporate and Public Finance Directors
- Emerging Domestic Market Prfessionals
- Receivable, Contract and Future Flow Financing Experts
- Nonprofit 501(c3) Bond Financiers
- Charter School and Facilities Financing Directors

Want to learn more? Go here.


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