New Tech Park Planned at Cal Poly
Six years ago, a group of local business and civic leaders eager to diversify the county's economy proposed building a technology park at Cal Poly that would nurture small high-tech firms.
Although the tech sector has crashed and the state's economy remains stalled, those planning the venture still believe such a business-university partnership could benefit the entire community. And momentum appears to be building for the project -- which could ultimately become a $34 million endeavor.
According to officials with the California Central Coast Research Partnership, a group affiliated with Cal Poly that is guiding the project, federal money for the technology park is trickling in, at least 19 businesses have indicated interest in occupying space and a recent study concluded that the project is viable.
Planners hope it will be ready for tenants by 2006, if key issues such as financing can be addressed.
University officials and local economic observers say the idea for a technology park is worth pursuing -- despite the dot-com bust that sent hundreds of local tech workers in search of new jobs.
Read more here.
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