Economic Development Futures Journal

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

counter statistics

Jacksonville Area Growing

The Jacksonville/NE Florida area has experienced very favorable growth over the past two decades, adding over 400,000 new residents. With a 1.1 million population base today, the area is expected to add another 100,000 people by 2006. The region's population base grew by 21% during the 1990-2000 period.

Over 525,000 jobs exist in the Jacksonville metro area, one-third of which are in services. The area is a major transportation center, has major strengths in finance and insurance, has an emerging technology base and is giving increased attention to the recruitment of both public and privately owned headquarters.

The Cornerstone Alliance is the lead EDO for the region, which is a very successful and hardworking EDO serving the needs of Jacksonville and counties in the surrounding region. Go here to learn more about the Cornerstone Alliance and the Jacksonville Regional Chamber of Commerce.


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