Economic Freedom?
Concerned about economic freedom? I think all of us are on one level or another. The issue is certainly more relevant as we look at the growing turmoil found in many world regions today.
Is anyone doing research on the issue of economic freedom. Yes! Who? Do you recall the name of the organization that brought the idea for "enterprise zones" to America in the 1980s? That was the Heritage Foundation. Since the early 1990s, the Heritage Foundation, in cooperation with The Wall Street Journal, has sponsored an annual World Economic Freedom Index that rates various nations in their efforts to preserve and advance economic freedom.
The report is yours for free. Simply drop by the Heritage Foundation website and download the 456-page report. (Nearly a 6 MB file.) It's full of interesting and thought-provoking ideas.
It occurred to me in reviewing the report that local economic development as we know it would not be possible if we did not have the "economic freedom" that we have. Any economic development organization hoping to strengthen its international business development program should review this report.
As they say, "think globally, act locally."
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